- What's your salary now? Before tax or after tax? How many month salary can you get one year? How is your bonus and allowance? What's your expected salary? 您现在的薪水状况是怎么样的?税前税后?一年几薪?奖金情况?津贴?您的期望薪资是怎样的?
- What is your salary now? 你现在的薪水是多少?
- What is your monthly salary now? 你目前的月薪是多少?
- What are your salary expectations now? 妳现在期望的薪水是多少?
- George: Now what' s your point,Mr.Potter? 乔治:你到底要说什么,波特先生?
- The cost will be stopped out of your salary. 费用将从你的工资中扣除。
- Tax is deducted from your salary. 税金从你的薪金中扣除。
- How much of your salary goes for rent? 您的薪水有多少是用来付房租的?
- Travis: Oh yeah? What' s your business? 崔维斯:哦,是吗?你做什么生意啊?
- What's your salary expectation here? 你希望在此拿多少工资?
- What 's your charge for this brooch ? 这个胸针你要卖多少钱?
- What are your salary expectation? 你对薪水有什么要求?
- What 's your freight rate on cif term ? 在cif 条件下你们的运费率是多少?
- What is your salary expectation? 你对工资的期望是多少?
- Good morning, my name is Li Na. What 's your name? 早上好,我是李娜,你叫什么名字?
- What are your salary expectations? 你对薪水有什么要求?
- What 's your opinion about personality? 你对个性有什么看法?
- Your salary will be 12000 a year, withannual increments of 500. 你的年薪为12000英镑,每年增加500英镑。
- What 's your charge for this brooch? 这个胸针你要卖多少钱
- Late again, Richard? What''s your alibi this time? 理查德, 又迟到了? 这次你有什么藉口呢?